Patrick tully and sonia choquette biography meaning

  • Patrick tully and sonia choquette biography meaning
  • Patrick tully and sonia choquette biography meaning and facts...

    Choquette, Sonia (Loraine) 1957–

    PERSONAL: Born October 8, 1957, in Denver, CO; daughter of Albert Paul and Sonia Polixenia (Apostu) Choquette; married Patrick Alan Tully, June 30, 1984; children: Sonia Soraya, Sabrina Isabel.

    Education: Attended University of Denver, 1976–78; attended University of Paris, Sorbonne, 1979–81; American Institute of Holistic Theology, Ph.D., 1998.

    ADDRESSES: Home—Chicago, IL. Office—Inner Wisdom, P.O.

    Box 408996, Chicago, IL 60640-8996.

    Patrick tully and sonia choquette biography meaning

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  • —[email protected].

    CAREER: Writer and lecturer on psychic and healing issues; psychic counselor in private practice. Visiting lecturer, New York Open Center, 1996, 1997, 1998; Learning Exchange, Washington, DC, 1996; and Learning Annex, California, 1996, 1997.

    Featured guest on television shows.


    The Psychic Pathway: A Workbook for Reawakening the Voice of Your Soul, Carol Trade Paperbacks (New York, NY), 1995.

    Your Heart's Desire: Instructions for Creating the Life You Really Want,