Filipino artists biography online
Filipino artists biography online
Famous artists biography!
The art of the Philippines is reflective of the diversity, richness and uniqueness of Filipinoculture. It began during the pre-historic era which is signified by the various paintings and artworks found on the walls of the caves discovered throughout the region.
However, Filipino Art, as we know today, began with colonization of the region by Spain in the early 16th century. The Spanish introduced Christianity to Philippines and art of the period was majorly influenced by religion.
It thus reflects the religious propaganda through the country. Art played a significant role in the spread of Catholicism in the Philippines.
Filipino artists biography online free
From the 16th century till the 19th century, art in the Philippines was created primarily for the benefit and spread of Christianity. Change was seen in the early 19th century, when native people of the Philippines educated themselves.
This change in education was also reflected in the art produced during that time. Among other things, th