Facing the enemy bible study

  • Facing the enemy bible study
  • Cynthia preston.

    Facing the Enemy

    All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution (II Tim. 3:12). These are some of the last words Paul wrote during his earthly sojourn.

    Facing the enemy bible study

  • Facing the enemy bible study
  • Facing the enemy bible study guide
  • Cynthia preston
  • Identifying the enemy
  • How to identify your enemies biblically
  • He wrote them to Timothy, his son in the faith, encouraging him to be strong in Christ and not to waver.

    Timothy, of course, was not the only one who would suffer persecution. According to the apostle, this is something that everyone who desires to live piously before Christ must face.

    It applies to you and it applies to me. Paul never said that our lives as Christians would be easy. There will be times when we’re tired or hungry, and other times when frustration nearly overwhelms us.

    Facing the enemy bible study guide

    But Paul gave himself as an example of someone who had endured tremendous persecution at Antioch, Iconium and Lystra. He was able to bear up under these trials because the Lord gave him the strength to do so. Paul wrote, Out of them all the Lord delivered me (II Tim.

    3:11). We, too, can be assured that the Lord will protect us.